Introducing this funky little limited edition easter bubble bar named Tweet: A small chick packed with big scents…
I picked Tweet up in Lush Oxford Street last month, but only today did I realise that it’s an Oxford Street limited edition product! So if you’re in London any time soon, I’d 100% recommend popping a couple of these into your basket.
First things first: the look. It took me aaaaaaaages to find a decent looking one! They are of course all hand made, thus making them all unique looking, but some were pretty freaky looking… The bubble bars are fairly large in size, and have two chocolate buttons for eyes. Do people eat these?? I took them off before I stuck him under the tap, which made him look rather sinister.
The bar itself is pretty robust, but once its been under the hot water for a couple seconds, it slowly starts to melt away. The bar is packed with mandarine and tangerine oil. The scent is much stronger on the bar as opposed to when it’s in the water, but it’s still a pleasant citrusy-zesty scent that lingers on the skin.
The bar produces a generous amount of soft, fluffy bubbles and the water turns into a rich, golden yellow/green colour. It’s softening properties are immediately noticeable on the skin, both during the bath and afterwards. It’s been a couple hours now and the scent is still noticeable and my skin feels super smooth.
What would make this an even better experience I hear you ask? A Tweet scented moisturiser and perfume to lather on afterwards of course. I’d definitely snap that up!
Have you tried any Easter products this year?
Oooh! I haven't seen this and I'm so gutted as it's a London exclusive! It's so cute! xo
Omg so cute! Too cute to use haha xx♡ itsjessiejane ♡
This looks SO cute!
Hannah | Oh January
Oh my goodness it looks so cute! I must pick a couple up when I'm in London next! <3
I was acutally just saying in my latest Lush post that a moisturiser scented the same as bath products would be really useful!
this is cute-ish love that you had to find a decent looking one, for blogging reasons obvs! haha
I'd love a moisturiser too! 😀
Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥
This is the cutest thing ever, looks like a little pet!!
Robyn / Phases Of Robyn
It's so cute I don't know if I'd be able to crush it up and put it in the bath!
I love this! Cutest bubble bar ever :)Emily / The Mini Mermaid
This is so cute, I absolutely loved the Lush Easter collection it was so good!
Lauren Ashleigh xx
omg, that is the cutest lush bar ever!
Angie | Chocolate & Lipstick | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog
i got this too so i can't wait to try it now!!
Lori Hearts Blog
This LUSH bubble bar sounds heavenly – I love citrus scents, plus is looks so cute!
Holly |
OMG this is the cutest thing I've ever seen! I don't think I'd have the heart to crumble his little face up!
Kirstie | Behind The Scent
when i first saw this I thought it was a scrunched up beauty blender! hahahaha
this is so cute! Times like these I wish i had a bath!