Celebrating No7’s 80th Anniversary

Boots own brand No7 was launched in 1935 as a selection of 11 skincare products and expanded in 1937 with some colour cosmetics. Now, 80 years on, No7 celebrate their products evolving and have designed a mini limited edition range.

My favourite piece from the range has to be this Radiant Shimmer compact – a gorgeous mosaic of golden, peachy and champagne to make your skin look radiant. No7 are currently running an offer in store and online where if you buy two of their products, you receive a free gift bag with miniature products and even a voucher for a free lipstick – WINNING! I bought the No7 Match Made Concealer in Calico, (can you believe I didn’t previously own a concealer?!) and a Moisture Drench lipstick in Pink Hint

I’m not sure if the gift bags vary in products, but inside mine I received a gorgeous deep glittery purple eyeshadow from the Forest Fruits Trio, a mini tube of their Intense Volume mascara and a mini tube of Skin Illuminator in the shade in Peach which I love love LOVE. I’m so looking forward to buying myself another new lippy soon too, I’m thinking about a red next time!

Do you like No7? Will you be picking up this goodie bag before it’s gone?



  1. Rachael Broomfield
    August 18, 2015 / 8:53 am

    What a fabulous gift bag with it. I love that it comes with a voucher for lipstick – i hate it when you get any old colour.

    Rachael at broomfie.blogspot.com

  2. Laura Gale
    August 19, 2015 / 1:36 pm

    I love No7! Swear by their Beautifully Matte foundation and I love their mascaras. I've never tried their lipsticks though, really need to explore the range a bit more xx

    Laura | Lala London: Beauty & Lifestyle

  3. Sarah Betty Andrews
    August 21, 2015 / 9:27 pm

    I NEED that lipstick. It is gooooorgeous.Sarah Betty xx

  4. August 22, 2015 / 5:15 pm

    That's it!! I need to get something from No 7! It's one of those ranges I never think to look, love the colour of that lipstick too!xx

    Honeypot Blogs

  5. Carmen B.
    August 23, 2015 / 2:27 pm

    I haven't tried any No7 products yet but I've heard much good of them πŸ™‚

  6. Fatbeauty x
    August 24, 2015 / 8:32 am

    I'm not a huge no7 fan if I'm honest, though the lipstick looks lovely! πŸ™‚ Perfect colour for this time of year!

    Lucie xx
    ​​Fatbeautyx | Plus Size Fashion & Beauty Blogger & Vlogger

  7. Rachel Simpson
    August 24, 2015 / 12:03 pm

    Ooh! I didn't know that it was No7's 80th Anniversary. I really like the brand especially for skincare. That illuminator looks so pretty. I need the goodybag just for that product alone! xo


    August 26, 2015 / 7:39 pm

    i never ever wear lipstick, but with each blog i read, i'm ever more inspired to give it a go!
    your photography is amazing, such a lovely blog πŸ™‚

  9. August 30, 2015 / 5:37 pm

    Love that purple shadow, I recently dyed my hair purple so I now have an obsession with matching haha!

  10. beauty beybi
    September 14, 2015 / 8:11 pm

    hΔ± dear great post!!
    wold like to follow each other on GFc G+ and instagram? please let me know on my blog so l can follow back .. thank you kiss


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