LUSH magic wand

Brb, hiding under a pink blanket of bubbles. My friend works at LUSH so I was fortunate enough to pick up some goodies with a good discount on *cheers with happiness*. I’ve been busy with work and doing bits and pieces so I opted for a relaxing soak in the bath this afternoon. I waved my star-shaped wand under the flowing water and bubbles appeared, just like… magic. The bubbles lasted for well over 30 minutes, floating about on the soft baby pink water beneath it. The scent is gorgeous, definitely not over powering; the room is filled by a soft-sweet aroma. I’d liken the scent to the Snow Fairy range (which I am dying to try out!); it’s the right amount of floral and sweet notes. Magic Wand doesn’t leave a sticky residue on my skin or the bottom of the bath which was a positive. My mum could smell me as soon as I entered the room and said how lovely it was, kerrrrrrr-ching *insert love heart emojii*. You can get as many uses out of this bar as you like, I’ve used it twice and I imagine it’ll make 2-3 more baths. That’s purely because I love lots of bubbles, so you could use it a lot less. 

What bath products do you use to fill the tub with bubbles?

P.s: Don’t forget to enter my Fabyouless giveaway to win a Fabyouless discount card worth £49.99 to splurge on beauty & health products!



  1. Jodie V
    December 11, 2014 / 9:10 am

    This looks so cute! I love this, I agree it smells like Snow Fairy!
    Jodie // La Lune Song

  2. December 11, 2014 / 7:23 pm

    the product looks so cute!!!

  3. Alice Young
    December 11, 2014 / 8:34 pm

    I bought my mum one of these for Christmas last year, they smell sooo good!The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

  4. Aliona Love
    December 11, 2014 / 11:19 pm

    Very nice. Would love it if you could also check out my luxury brand giveaway worth £150
    Kisses xo | GIVEAWAY 

  5. Helen
    December 13, 2014 / 2:18 pm

    This sounds do good! I love the fact that you can use it multiple times, I was expecting it to be more like a bath bomb. Good old Lush!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog – I've replied to your question about how I got my social media placement 🙂

    Helen xx

  6. Kathryn L
    December 14, 2014 / 6:01 pm

    Ahh I remember receiving this and using it all in one go, oops! I love the smell of this though, it's divine. x

    Kathryn from This Outlet

  7. December 14, 2014 / 9:56 pm

    Need to get my hands on this!!! x

    Sophie – Simplysophhh

  8. Annabel B
    December 14, 2014 / 11:37 pm

    Ahh, I so wand this. Although I just wouldn't want to 'melt' it, and I know it would just live in my bathroom forever!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  9. Shikin Kikin
    December 15, 2014 / 7:47 am

    Interesting post! Would you like to follow each other on GFC, Google+ and Bloglovin? Let me know at my blog. Keep in touch!

    With Love,
    Shikin Kikin
    Blog | Youtube | Bloglovin | Twitter

  10. December 21, 2014 / 2:58 am

    I saw this in LUSH when I was there the other week. They're slowly dwindling down on their Christmas stock. I don't know if magic wand is a permanent item or limited, but they only had a few left when I went. I usually stick to their skincare, but the last few times I've gone I've ventured into their bath bombs and soaps. I'm really liking them and excited to try more!

    Z. | J. POTTER

  11. Abi Street
    December 30, 2014 / 10:12 pm

    I've nominated you for The Liebster Award, head over to my blog to check it out 🙂 Just started following your blog, feel free to follow back 🙂 xx

    Abi |

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