Afternoon my lovelies! As mentioned in my post here I am beginning my blogging regime of posts as of today – *claps*. I need to get in the swing of creating posts and making sure they’re published ASAP, so hopefully this regime will help. First up, a weekly Instagram update.
1. 6 out of 7 days exercised 2. Nude nails by OPI 3. Lunch @ the Harvester 4. Jason Derulo tickets arrived!!! 5. Selfie with my Forever21 top from Berlin 6. Debenhams Beauty Card activated *dances* 7. Homemade apple crumble
This week has been fairly busy with college work. I’m currently working on a magazine project to produce a magazine weekly, complete with front cover, articles and advertisements inside with my class. I enjoy it as it’s something I’d like to pursue a career in. I’m still not used to the idea of it being March yet, the months have passed so quickly. In 6 months I’ll be off out in the big wide world on my own… eeeep. Anyway, I digress.
1. I went to the gym 6 out of 7 days in a row and I’m certainly paying for it now! I really enjoy working out and the rush of endorphins leaves you feeling really good too. My only problem is to learn to control my eating now, I give in to naughty foods far too easily 2. I tried out an OPI nail varnish (Tickle My France-y) and wasn’t overly impressed with it. I love nude varnishes but even after 3 thick coats it was still fairly transparent 🙁 3. I went to the Harvester for a belated birthday lunch for my friends 19th at the Harvester. We all had a main course and dessert and were well and truly stuffed. Back to college for another 2 hours after that and all I wanted to do was nap… 4. JASON DERULO TICKETS BABY! The first concert of many this year (fingers crossed). I’m seeing him in less than 3 weeks with my boyfriend and I’m really looking forward to seeing him live! Hope he performs all his oldies 5. The obligatory selfie. I’m wearing a top I picked up in Forever21 whilst in Berlin, it’s a lovely floaty top with a floral pattern, perfect for Spring. Just hope the sun shows it face ASAP! 6. I have finally managed to sort out my Debenhams Beauty Card after a purchase in Clinique, looking forward to saving up more points to spend in store! 7. Todays home made apply crumble with ice cream. My mums cooking is so comforting and there’s nothing better to eat on a cold Sunday afternoon!
Hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend, looking forward to hearing from you! What have you guys been up to? x
Hehehe this post is great! 😀 Can't wait to read next weeks! 😛 I am a sucker for naughty foods too! But looking at the photos, they were too tempting to say no to! 😛
I like these instagram posts, I may have to start my own ones xo
Fashion Signal – UK Style and Fashion Blog
Oh my goodness. That homemade apple crumble looks to die for! Adorable blog!
Xo, Amanda
LOVE your blog! This post is great. What camera do you use as your photos are always amazing?
Beth x
Original idea for a blog post!
Would you like to follow each other? 🙂
URM hello that homemade apple crumble belongs in my belly. Looking B-E-A-U-tiful in your selfie as per. Loooooooooooooooove. xxx
Chloe @ The Little Plum UK Fashion Blog
How you found the motivation to go to the gym 6 days in a row is beyond me, I struggle just thinking about the gym!
The apple crumble looks delicious, if there's any left I'll happily take it.
Raise The Waves
Omg you go girlfriend 6 days a week isnt a joke your guarantee d to get the summer bod we all want! Aha omg that food looks so delish youve got me feeling hungryy aha omg and I love Jason Derulo I bet hea gonna be amazing live! Lovely post xo
lovely blog! followed 🙂