February 2019: My Month in Photos

february 2019 my month in photos

Happy end of February! Soooo… where is this year going already?! It’s flying by at an alarming rate – but life is good right now.


It’s time for my February 2019 edition of my month in photos post – here’s what I’ve been getting up to this month!

Pancakes at The Polo Bar

I went for pancakes at the beginning of the month for brunch at The Polo Bar with my friend Jade. We initially wanted to try the stack of American pancakes with a slice of cake on top but when we got there, we thought better of it! Instead, we both ordered pancakes each with a hot chocolate to go with it. The pancakes were delish, and I can’t wait to head back again to try out more of their food.

Sky Gardens in the Winter Sunshine

After pancakes for brunch, we went to Sky Gardens for beautiful sunny views over London. We were so lucky with the beautiful weather, and it’s such a lovely free attraction to have in the City.

Brunch at The Stores, Great Waltham

I went for brunch at The Stores in Great Waltham before an afternoon at Aqua Springs spa in Colchester. Alice had bacon and a poached egg on top of bubble and squeak, and I had scrambled egg and chorizo on sourdough toast. It was a lovely little cafe and a great local find from Alice!

Girly Night at Popworld

Popworld has been in Chelmsford for a couple of months now and it’s fair to say I’m obsessed with going there – even more so now they have a Photo Booth there! We went to a Whitney Houston tribute act at the beginning of the night at the local theatre (which was surprisingly good) and then we danced until 2am at Popworld! McDonald’s breakfast in bed the next day was an absolute treat, too.

Italian Feast at Home with e-Shores

I worked with e-Shores on an AD this month and created a delicious Italian feast at home for my family. You can find out what I made here!

Dinner at Wildwood

I had a fun girly evening for Sophie’s birthday with dinner at Wildwood and drinks at Be At One. The prawn pasta was deeeelish and my new fav dish to eat there.

Girly Weekend in Edinburgh

I went to Edinburgh for the weekend with Chloe and had the best time! We went on a tour bus trip, explored Edinburgh castle and went on a long walk to Arthur’s Seat. We ate great food and had the nicest cocktails. I’m already mentally planning a Christmas trip back to Edinburgh!


Despite allllll these foodie photos, I’m actually really getting into my boxing and HIIT classes with Chloe. They can be really hard work but it feels rewarding – I can already feel the benefits. Time to get in shape for my summer holidays coming up!


What have you been up to this month? 🙂



  1. March 10, 2019 / 7:50 pm

    It sounds like you’ve had a fab month and packed so much into it. Isn’t Edinburgh just amazing?! xx

    Jessie | jessie-ann.co.uk

    • hannah
      March 24, 2019 / 8:06 pm

      I had a fab month thanks lovely 🙂 Edinburgh was just amazing – I want to go back in December for the Christmas markets! xx

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