Happy New Year!
A little too late for that huh? But there you are. I’ve had such a good month so far and kept myself busy which has ultimately meant by blog has taken a little back seat but I have lots of posts lined up that I can’t wait to share in February. Usually, I write a little round up of my year but I did a thread on Twitter back in December, so I’ll save this post for a few of my aspirations for 2019.
Be happy and independent
I have a new found level of independence as I now have my own little car yay! She’s an 11 plate Ford KA (that I have rightly christened Karen) and I think I would be lost without her now. I can go and do what I want when I want, and it means no more getting up at 7 and getting on a bus full of kids to get to work – HALLELUJAH!
I’m much happier in life now, too. I’ve left 2018 behind with some people I thought would always be there, but I’m looking forward to a happy and free 2019. 🙂
Travel more
This month I’ve been lucky enough to go to Dublin on a girly weekend, and I have Edinburgh and Bucharest lined up in March. I’ve got my eye on Zante for a girls holiday in June, and I’m off to Crete with my family for late summer holiday in September. As with anyone, I really enjoy going on holiday and exploring new places, but this year I’d love to go on more UK-based holidays, to places like York and Manchester.
Say ‘yes’ to more
I’m guilty of sticking to my usual routine and not putting myself out there, so 2019 is a time for change. I want to say yes to doing more, accepting more opportunities, stepping out of my comfort zone and pushing myself to do more. Despite January being a super busy month for me, I want to put more time and effort into my blog. I work in an office Monday – Friday 9-5 so coming home and sitting in front of my laptop all evening puts me off, but I want to start dedicating more time each evening to my blog. My sister bought me a cute little blog planner for Christmas, so I want to create a routine with that. I love blogging for a hobby, and I’m really greatful for the opportunities I’ve received so far. Fingers crossed 2019 will have exciting things instore for Hannatalks!
Physical and mental changes
It’s everyone’s new years resolution but I want to get fitter, physically and mentally. I want to have a more positive outlook on life and I want to be healthier in myself, too. I have a gym membership sat there waiting to be used but I’m attending boxing fitness classes with my friend Chloe and they’re so much fun – hard work but fun! I want to eat better and continue learning new recipes, and up my water intake too because I’m not the best at drinking enough water! To cooincide with this, I want to get myself into a better sleep routine and just generally switch my routine up a lot.
Simply Be kindly gifted me the grey star t-shirt and pastel coat of dreams which I love wearing. I tend to literally just wear black so a little injection of colour feels nice!
What are your aspirations for 2019?
Good luck with all your aspirations for this year. Also, congratulations on our new car, I’m happy for you. I’m looking forward to seeing your post(s) from Bucharest, as I lived there for a few years.
Oooo that’s so exciting – do you have any tips on things to do there? So far we have booked bikes to hire and we’re planning on going to the Therme Spa 😀
Best of luck with all your goals lovely! Having a car gives you so much freedom, its amazing isn’t it?!
Lucy | Forever September
Thank you lovely! 🙂 It’s the best!!! I wish I’d learned to drive sooner but I’ve only really needed it the last year or so. It’s so good to just be able to go out wherever and whenever you want to, and it means I can get more sleep on work days yay!
Best of luck lovely – it’s nice to hear you are feeling more positive after a tough time! You look lovely in these pictures too 🙂 Happy new year to you. xx
Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x
Thanks so much lovely – here’s to a successful and loving 2019 <3