Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Fresh is the latest perfume to grace my ever-expanding collection, and boy is it a goodun’. I received this cheeky little number at Christmas time and have worn it a fair few times since. I’m a fan of Marc Jacob perfumes and already have Marc Jacobs Daisy – a gorgeous combination of vanilla, honey, red grapefruit and musk. Just to name a few! Daisy Eau So Fresh is fruity and floral, with heart notes of violet and raspberry, and base notes of amber, musk and apricot. I spritzed this perfume on at 7am this morning and it’s now 6:30pm, and I can still smell it! Really impressed with the staying power, which is definitely a plus to spending just that little bit more on a decent perfume. The bottles are so intricately designed, and this one is no exception. I love the vibrant rubber flowers in bold colours. Such a pretty design! Marc Jacobs Daisy is next on my list, I have to admit that the bottle is the main reason why I want to try it, but it sounds like a lovely fragrance. Intrigued to have a sniff of the pear, coconut water and blackberry scent!
What perfumes are you loving lately?
I've not given this a sniff but I will soon, it sounds amazing!
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
I love all of Marc Jacobs' fragrances so I can't wait to give this a sniff.
Great post!
Leanne xx
I am obsessed with Marc Jacobs perfumes. I currently have Daisy Dream, Dot, and Daisy Eau De Sunshine I think its called. I almost brought this one but went for dream instead and I do really love it. I've also previously had Lola and Oh Lola so I'm definitely a fan a Marc Jacobs! Also the bottles are so pretty although a bit of a bitch to travel with!Emma x Writing Essays With Wine
I've had the original daisy fragrance and my sister has this one – they are both gorgeous x
Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness x
Think it's so impartant that it stays long! Going to try this in the store, so curious now! 😡 Leila
sounds like it smells amazing and the bottle is so cute! Sad to say I have not tried or smelled a Marc Jacobs perfume 🙁 My favourite perfume of all time is Far Away by Avon, I know a cheap one but it smells so so so good!
I love the original Daisy scent but I haven't had it in my collection for years now! The Eau so Fresh version has such a gorgeous bottle and the fragrance sounds amazing for spring and summer! 🙂 Becki |
I loooove Marc Jacobs' perfumes, they're so beautiful.
Anything & Everything | Bloglovin'
Hi Hannah,
I love Marc Jacobs perfumes, I have the daisy as well – but the very first edit. I am ever so careful not to finish it soon.
Jo | Say Cheesy Cake
Say Cheesy Cake on Bloglovin
One of my favourite perfumes, it's beautiful 🙂 Rebecca | ♥
This sounds awesome! I've never smelled it since I find Marc Jacobs perfumes to be a bit too strong for me, but I'm tempted to give it a go now 🙂
xo, Dolce //
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This perfume looks fantastic, my all time favorite it's definitely Pink Sugar Aquolina! xx
my perfume is also marc jacobs! his scents are so classy! Love this!! xx
This sounds amazing, I have the Daisy Eu so Fresh and I adore it, this sounds like the more vibrant and exciting sister, I love the sounds of the notes, grapefruit, vanilla, violets sound like a heavenly mix!
Oh my gosh! I love this as well!
hannie | chapters like this
Great post !!!
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Have a nice day
I really want to try this! x
Hannah | Heyitshannaah
i love Marc Jacobs perfumes! i have a Zara Women one now, not so special but really… basic (?). i like it!
xx, Flora
Ahh it looks so nice! I've got the Eau de toilette one which is incredible, so either this or dream is going to be my next one when I run out!
Other Infinities
I just want all the Marc Jacobs scents just for their bottles!
Annabel ♥
Mascara & Maltesers
ahh this bottle is so fun! I really want to try out this scent <3
Serene xoxo
This perfume looks blummin’ gorgeous, when I tested this in Debenhams I found it didn’t last long on my skin 🙁 May have to give it another shot as I really want this perfume 🙂
Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee
Love this perfume, I think it's better than the original Daisy x
I want them 🙂 just because the bottle and the cap is so cute 🙂
It’s like you read my mind! You seem to know so much about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you could do with some pick to drive the message home a bit, but other than that, this is great blog. A great read. I’ll definitely be back.