Deck The Halls

This will be the last Christmas post you’ll see from me. Promise. I feel like Christmas came and went too fast, sob. I received a lot of LUSH presents for Christmas for which I am eternally greatfull for. I have a box of LUSH products stashed away in the bathroom ready for when I’m feeling like an indulgent treat. I received Deck The Halls and was ridiculously excited to dig deep to find what was packed within the polystyrene. 

The box contains an array of shower gels, bath bombs, bubble bars, lip TLC products and moisturisers. As the box is no longer online (silly me tried googling it. It’s a Christmas box Hannah. Duh.) it’s no longer purchasable, but the majority of the products are available individually. I can’t wait to indulge in this lovely lot and review 2 or 3! 

P.s I’m writing this from the Blogger app as I’m having serious problems with my wifi. Hmffffff. I hope it doesn’t look too shabby but as soon as I get wifi on my Mac it’ll be edited asap! I’m currently standing outside waving my phone around to get some 3G. Damn you Sky.



  1. Abby
    January 20, 2015 / 1:14 am

    So jealous of all this Lush lovliness! Question.. how do you get the pintrest button on your pictures?? Been trying to work it out for ages haha!

    Lots of Love,

    What Abby Loves ♥

  2. Emma Luxton
    January 20, 2015 / 4:58 pm

    So many yummy products, you're not going to need to hit up Lush for a while!! I wish I'd picked up a bottle of Snow Fairy, it smells delicious! Emma x Writing Essays With Wine

  3. Abi Street
    January 20, 2015 / 6:09 pm

    So many lovely lush products!! I don't think its ever too late to stop talking about christmas!! xx

    Abi |

  4. Jessica The Pyreflies
    January 20, 2015 / 7:58 pm

    Lush products are so pretty and colorful! Sorry to hear you are having wifi problems – those are the worst. I hate when my wifi randomly stops working 😐


  5. Clos BeautySpot
    January 21, 2015 / 10:20 am

    Ahhh wow this box is amazing! I only picked up a few bits in the sales as their website was being rubbish! x

  6. Cristina Sánchez
    January 21, 2015 / 3:44 pm

    How lucky!!!!! Your Lush box is really amazing, I'm pretty sure you're gonna have a blast using all those products.

    I'm finally catching up on your blog now Hannah! I hope everything's okay with you <3

    Crissy | My Cup Of Tea

  7. Jenny Olatunji
    January 21, 2015 / 8:17 pm

    Your photos look great! love the blog x

    NEW POST Jennos Health.

  8. Roxii Hoare-Smith
    January 21, 2015 / 8:59 pm

    Wow I am so jealous of all of these products especially the santa lip scrub!!!

    It all looks so pretty

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