Weekly round up #2

Second instalment of my Instagram Weekly Update. A fairly sparse week for me. Foodie posts have pretty much taken over my Instagram this week.. FORGIVE ME. But that was only because I was treated to a meal/cocktails out – It’s hard not to Instagram TGIF right??! – and of course, the obligatory pancake photo on Tuesday. Snuck in a cheeky throwback this week. Check out those braided pig tails and sketchers.. sassy. I’d also like to sincerely thank from the bottom of my heart the blogger who posted about this HEAVEN in a pot. I have no idea who she was but I think I have found the drink to top all drinks, in the history of forrrrevvvvvver. Fully recommend this to fellow peanut butter enthusiasts. That’s that week done & dusted, which I’m pretty relieved with. Felt rough towards the end of the week but nothing that a good bubble bath & pampering Sunday can’t fix eh? Love x


  1. Raizel Greco
    March 9, 2014 / 5:23 pm

    The food looks delicious!

    Ray | Obey Ray

  2. March 10, 2014 / 8:09 am

    Aha you cant resist a couple of delish food ansps it would be so wrong not to share! Aha aq and your throwback ia too cute omg sketchers were everything! Aha xo


  3. March 10, 2014 / 3:01 pm

    Ohhh I absolutely love Coco Mademoiselle 🙂 what a gorgeous fragrance!!! Plus the cocktails look amazing 🙂 excited to be following you now! Please keep in touch 🙂
    http://www.lanouvellenoire.com xxx

  4. Hannah Cox
    March 13, 2014 / 3:34 pm

    This looks like a good week. Very similar to mine- so much food!!!! I have never seen the peanut hottie before!!!! Arrgghhh. I am going to have to run to find some, it sounds amazing!!!!

    Hannah x | lovelettersandsnippets

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