Weekly round up #2
Second instalment of my Instagram Weekly Update. A fairly sparse week for me. Foodie posts have pretty much taken over my Instagram this week.. FORGIVE ME. But that was only because I was treated to a meal/cocktails out – It’s…
Second instalment of my Instagram Weekly Update. A fairly sparse week for me. Foodie posts have pretty much taken over my Instagram this week.. FORGIVE ME. But that was only because I was treated to a meal/cocktails out – It’s…
I love buying new things for my room such as small glass decorative jars, photo frames and jewellery boxes. I knew my room was lacking in something when the lovely people over at Canvas Design offered to send out a canvas with…
PHOTO OVERLOAD. PHOTO OVERLOAD. I went into London with my boyfriend earlier this week as he had booked for us to go to the London Dungeons as a suprise. I’d been to it previously when it I younger, but was…
First manicure Monday! (Are you liking my graphics too?!)I don’t need an excuse to jazz up my nails, trust me, but I thought it’d be a fun post to do weekly. Also a place where you guys can recommend some…
Afternoon my lovelies! As mentioned in my post here I am beginning my blogging regime of posts as of today – *claps*. I need to get in the swing of creating posts and making sure they’re published ASAP, so hopefully this regime will…
A couple of weeks ago I received an email from Aileen stating that I had won her 300 followers give away prize! I wasn’t expecting to win as over 250 people entered and I’m always unsuccessful in winning things – well not…
Afternoon ladies! I haven’t done a nail post yet as I swap and change my colours WAY too often (far too indecisive). I’m also the type who sticks to what I know brand wise. I don’t tend to experiment…
Image sourced from WeHeartIt I’ve been having one of those weekends where I’m really excited to blog (Note the new layout – are you guys a fan of it?!) but I feel that my content could get a bit repetitive…
Once I’d heard about the 3 for 2 offer at Boots, I was straight down there with my friend in tale. It was overwhelmingly busy and at points I had to nestle past women with baskets stacked HIGH with products…
A night full of glitz and glam, guaranteed incredible performances, sprinkle of boozy celebrities and a dash of hopes and fears – POOF. BRIT Awards 2014 had begun. James Corden kicked off the BRITS 2014 at the London 02 for…
I’m a lover of soaking in a deep filled bubble bath after a long day, so I was excited to be sent these *bathbombs by Holly for the launch of her new company Bombs Away. The site offers a range of products from…