Why I Have Totally Fallen Out of Love with Instagram

hannatalks instagram

It’s a topic that has been whirling around my head for a little while; I have totally fallen out of love with Instagram.

It’s a shame because at one point, I favoured my Instagram over my other social media profiles, Twitter and hannatalks.

But now, it’s a constant niggling thought that I haven’t taken any “aesthetic ” photos or that I haven’t done anything exciting enough to be showing off about.

Because that’s all social media really is, to show off all the good, positive, happy things.

But good points can be great, like job opportunities, holidays, new purchases and exciting things happening.

And whilst I obviously love seeing all this positivity on social media, it’s gotten to the point where it can be slightly tinged with jealousy.

I begin to think, I’m 21 now. Should I be driving and owning my own car by now? Should I be in a fulfilling career? Should I already know by now exactly what I want to do in life? Should I be going on holidays more, or saving to travel the world?

But with social media, people only ever put out what other people want to see: the good.

Everyone has down days, sad moments, crappy feelings and yet it’s never really shown.

And because of this, I feel like Instagram feels like a chore at the moment, because I don’t have anything exciting or interesting to post.

At the beginning of the year, I had so many plans and days out to look forward to, like going to Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium, going on a weekend break to Budapest and Barcelona, planning more holidays and various other things like spa trips, clothes I was buying and new restaurants I was trying.

But March just seems dry; but that’s okay.

I just need to learn that it’s okay not to be on the go all the time and that I should be doing more to make me happy. Like reading more, going for walks, learning to cook new meals and taking the plunge to commit to driving lessons.

It’s important to realise that it’s okay not to be busy 24/7, it’s okay to not be doing something every single weekend in the aid of an Instagram post, it’s okay to post the good, the bad and the ugly.

I have plenty of things to look forward to this year; like a weekend trip to Pisa with my friend, a week in Weymouth with my boyfriend and other potential holidays, festivals and outings in the pipeline. I also really want to get my head down and find a suitable career path in Digital Marketing, whether it be in PR, content writing or social media.

I’m sure my love for Instagram will reappear soon enough, but for now it’s all feeling a little toxic, degrading and just unattractive with the new crappy algorithm, fake followers and spam comments. It’s hard to grow a following with these battling factors but I’m sure I’ll make it work at some point.

I almost feel a twinge of guilt for writing negatively when in fact I do feel a real passion about social media and want to persue a career in it; but I’m sure others can relate. I’m sure if I keep in mind that as long as I post what pleases me, as opposed to posting to fit in with a theme, I’ll be back in love with Instagram in no time at all. ❤️️


Do you have a love/hate relationship with Instagram? How do you feel about the platform? Let me know!



  1. March 22, 2017 / 10:15 am

    I feel you on this one,although my favourite people to follow are the real ones,who show and appreciate that not every day is jam packed and exciting! Xx

  2. March 22, 2017 / 10:59 am

    Totally understand where you are coming from! The whole algorithm and follower unfollow thing really annoys me! Xx

  3. March 22, 2017 / 11:55 am

    I totally agree with you – I try to be as real as possible on all of my social medias but it’s hard not to get caught up in showing the ‘best bits’! I also hate the algorithm, I really wish they would change it back! Xx

  4. March 22, 2017 / 1:44 pm

    I like Instagram a lot. I started last year the 365 challenge and I will post a photo each day, I’m still doing it and I think it’s fab. I don’t have a theme as I can’t be bothered with that. On Instagram I post what I do or like or eat that day, it’s not for the followers, but for me and I can’t be happier with it. Of course I would love new someone follows me, but it’s not my goal.
    I can’t say I’m a fan of the algorithm thing though, that is annoying.

  5. March 22, 2017 / 5:06 pm

    I love Instagram, since I love photography. I enjoy looking at other people’s pictures – especially when they travel to other places – and get inspired to do better and be better, so that one day I will be able to go there and do that.
    That said, I’ve had a very hard time lately with body image and comparing myself to those gorgeous skinny girls that post pictures in their tiny bikinis 24/7 – and I know they work hard for that body but, as you said, sometimes jealousy just kicks in for some reason.

  6. March 22, 2017 / 9:56 pm

    I can really see where you’re coming from with this post, the idea of Instagram is to put across your best self at least once a week but what if you don’t have a ‘best self’ every week? Like you mention, the jealously is the worst part and the comparison to others like seriously – should I have a car? I favour twitter at the moment purely because it’s actually more of a rant platform. Really nice post here, pleased to see someone highlighting the artificial aspects of social media.
    Kate || http://www.katerattley.com

  7. Megan mccoig
    March 23, 2017 / 9:17 am

    I feel the same. Instagram has hit the pan at the minute and just isn’t getting anywhere. Why on earth did they change it all!

  8. March 23, 2017 / 6:22 pm

    I really relate to this post! I love instagram but I know my content will never be good enough to have thousands of followers purely because I can’t stick to a theme! Even when I tried to do my own style of theme I ended up not posting anything just because it wasn’t “perfect”. It’s a really hard balance but fear not dear, we are all struggling with it!xx


  9. March 23, 2017 / 6:56 pm

    I totally agree with you. It’s so disheartening to put your sole into something to then be faced with spam comments and fake followers! 💕 Xxx

  10. Lucy
    March 23, 2017 / 9:57 pm

    I know how you feel and certainly don’t think you’re alone in feeling like this! It seems like a lot of people are beginning to struggle with the pressures of Instagram and trying to build a decent, genuine following. It used to just be a bit of fun, messing around with filters and edits but now it feels a bit too serious! xxx
    Lucy @ La Lingua | Life, Travel, Italy

  11. Rosanna
    March 24, 2017 / 10:23 am

    I fall in and out of love with Instagram. I like to post sometimes but I don’t really miss it if I’m not on it for a while!
    Have a lovely weekend 🙂
    Rosanna x

  12. Abigail
    March 24, 2017 / 2:12 pm

    I feel you on this. I love instagram because I like seeing other people’s pictures but I’m really bad at it myself. I also get the jealousy thing, particularly when people are documenting amazing holidays you can only dream of or have received amazing things from brands. I also feel inferior to people who post amazing quality pictures and that makes me not want to post because my pictures aren’t going to be the best quality

    Abbie | overpeachchic.com

  13. March 25, 2017 / 10:26 am

    I feel the same about insatgram! I mainly don’t like it that people follow me only to unfollow when they see I don’t follow back… If you love my pictures follow and if you don’t what’s the point to play this game?! I only follow people that I love their gallery and won’t follow someone jsut cause they follow me if you I don’t love their content.

    The Fashion Matters– Travel & Fashion Blog

  14. March 25, 2017 / 11:11 am

    Social media can be very misleading, because it’s often just an ideal image, not reality. If we are more genuine, it would be better. At least that is my opinion!

  15. March 25, 2017 / 4:25 pm

    I feel you lovely. Even though I’m really trying with instagram, I’ll never have the nice pretty looking aesthetic like some others do. I don’t have the skills, nor have the super exciting life. I people liked me posting just pictures of coffee every day, I definitely would post only that haha!
    And I also find Insta really frustrating just because of their stupid algorithm and even though I try really hard, it’s impossible to get lovely ingaging followers, not fake ones.

  16. March 25, 2017 / 10:34 pm

    I often feel the same about Instagram! What I always remember though, is that everyone filters their lives for us to see. Definitely do what makes you happy and don’t worry about anything else! xx

  17. March 28, 2017 / 3:32 pm

    Instagram hasn’t been my thing for a while and it’s for this exact reason. We all probably do some really cool things in our spare time but they’re not aesthetically pleasing enough to be put on Instagram. I constantly dip in and out on Instagram as I just don’t have very many pretty pictures for it. Throw in the spam comments and I’ve pretty much tapped out; who wants to post a photo of a really nice landscape or landmark only to have it bombarded with automated “great shot” comments?!

  18. April 1, 2017 / 5:59 pm

    I completely agree with this post! Instagram can have such a negative affect – it’s hard not to compare your life to all those perfectly captured shots you see on Insta! I’ve also fallen out of love with Instagram lately…my content is nowhere near as good as it should be and the algorithm changes make falling in love with Insta even harder. You have sooo many exciting things to look forward to though, yay!
    Tasmin | http://www.grandiosedays.com

  19. April 7, 2017 / 11:03 am

    Instagram was my favourite platform but the crappy algorithm, fake followers and spam comments has got me down in the dumps as well. But you’re so young, there’s no hurry to drive/have a car/ etc etc! xx


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