Merry (belated) Christmas! Here’s what I got up to on Christmas Day and Boxing Day…
Christmas Day
I had a fantastic day. I went to Miller & Carter on Christmas Day with my family, and had the most delicious (5 course!!!) meal.
I had a lobster and avocado salad for starter with crunchy and lightly salted tortilla chips.
Then we were served a champagne sorbet, which cleansed the palette and tasted supper delicious!
The main was served; I opted for a turkey roast dinner with all the trimmings, including pigs in blankets, stuffing balls, red pickled cabbage, honey glazed carrots and dauphinoise potatoes.
For dessert I had a trio of chocolate, which was a warm chocolate brownie, chocolate chip ice cream and a white chocolate mousse. Not forgetting the peanut butter crumb scattered on top. DROOL.
And then, to top that off, we had macaroons and peppermint tea!
Considering I didn’t ask for any Christmas presents, I did prrrrrrretty damn well. My parents treated me to a brand new suitcase – for my upcoming trips to Budapest and Barcelona EEEEEEEEP – alongside some beauty products, perfumes and my favourite present… the elephant feet warmer!
I’m super excited to try out the GHD V Gold wide plated hair straighteners. My hairdresser uses them on me and my hair always stays SUPER straight so, fingers crossed they’ll work some miracles on my hair!
My best friend Kayleigh bought me all the No7 goodies too, I’m so excited to try out the gorgeous limited edition nail varnishes.
My sister bought me a Malibu gift set and hot chocolate sets. I’m excited to try the salted caramel hot chocolate. D’ya realise how much I BLOODY LOVE HOT CHOCOLATE?!?!
This elephant foot warmer is probably my favourite present of them all… I’m forever complaining about having cold feet, so this toasty little elephant warms up my feet a treat!
My best friend, Alice, bought me the cutest mug with ‘Catpuccino’ on, a desk calendar, minty candy cane and a gorgeous little Kate Loxton ornament.
Boxing Day
I spent Boxing Day at James’ house this year.
It’s our first Christmas together and he spoilt me like absolute rotten!
They were all surprises to me and were such kind and meaningful gifts.
I’ll treasure the Links necklace and the Yankee Candle set. I’ve never had a Yankee Candle before so I’m super excited to use these!
The Toni&Guy straighteners are insane too – I can’t wait to show you all them!
So there’s a snoop into my day – what did you get up to this Christmas?
Your boyfriend is a good egg for gifting you the Yankee Candle set and Real Technique brushes. The hot water bottle looks super cute too 🙂 xx
Yasmina | The July Journal
Awww, such wonderful gifts. I love that elephant foot warmer, it's so cute.
You got some really great presents. That Yankee candle set looks brilliant! I'm a big fan of No7 nail polishes, they have some lovely unique shades.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
Ahhh look at all your adorable prezzies! Your boyf is definitely a keeper for the Yankee candle set.
Your dessert from Christmas day looks absolutely scrumptious too, you lucky thing. x
Kathryn | Chapters of Kat
Your boyfriend is a keeper! How a guy manages to think of all those cutie little wonderful things I will never know. I've been with my partner 5 years now and I still have to buy my own presents from him…!
Caitylis |