May: My Month In Photos

May you have absolutely flown by. I became a hermit this month and work was my only focus. But here’s what I’ve managed to squeeze in to keep me sane…

1. No7 Skin Care

I bought a fair few beauty bits at the beginning of the month and this No7 foam cleanser and serum are by far my favourite purchases this month. Both have helped to keep my skin feeling clean and blemish free! You can read the full review here.


2. Holiday Shopping

I’m going to Tenerife in July and I cannot bloody wait! I’ve started my holiday shopping, mainly in Primark for all their flip-flops and swimwear coverups. I have about 8 pairs of the 90p flip-flops. Don’t judge pls.


3. Vichy Foundation and Powder Setter

I was kindly sent this foundation and powder to try out and I love them! The foundation is a little light for my skin (as I went by the swatches online) but I absolutely love the setting powder and I use it daily. Keep your eyes peeled for a review in June!


4. Saturated Colour Essex Bloggers Event

I went to Saturated Colour for the day at the beginning of the month and had a fab time with a load of other Essex bloggers. The company is family run within a converted barn – it’s gorgeous! We tried out a few products, had a little lipstick challenge and were each given a personalised goody bag.


5. Cocktails at Wildwood

The weather was beaut at the beginning of May so I took full advantage of it by knocking back a few cocktails. Sea Breeze was my favourite at Wildwood – cranberry juice, vodka, sprinkle of salt and a splash of lemon juice. So good!


6. Colchester Zoo

I went to Colchester Zoo for the day with Kayleigh (hiiiiiya if you’re reading this) and had a good day visiting all the enclosures and walking around in the sunshine. The goats were by far my fav! I’ve got a little post lined up full of adorable photos of the animals.


7. #malibusquad

I’m a part of the Malibu Squad and this month Malibu surprised me by sending out their new Malibu with pineapple flavour, I’m yet to try it but the miniature bottles are adorrrrrrrbs.


8. Lee Stafford BLeach BLondes Range

Since having blonde in my hair, I’ve felt it gets a little knotty and dry at times. I picked up the shampoo, conditioner and serum and within a couple of washes it already feels a lot fresher.


9. No7 Sunshine Gift Box

No7 are currently giving this Sunshine box away for free when you purchase any 2 of their products. It’s a lovely little gift and I’m loving the tinted lip balm!


10. No7 Gel Polish in Porcini

No7 again? Really? Soz guys. I picked up Porcini which is a lovely little nude-mushroom shade. Perfect for wearing for that “no nail varnish varnish” look. I look forward to the day I have a job where my nails can look pretty…


11. I GOT MY HAIR DID. At Last.

I’m awful at booking hairdresser appointments but today I had my hair highlighted, toned, cut, thinned out and styled and boyyyyy does it feel bloody good! Smells it too. It’s mad how good a fresh cut can make you feel.


12. Lovecats Inc Competition Winner

I won Helen’s twitter comp! Yay! I can’t wait to try out the Soap & Glory tanning spray, and the little body sprays will come in handy for work use!

What have you been up to this month?



  1. June 1, 2016 / 1:50 pm

    Tenerife sounds fab, especially with the weather we've been getting huh! your hair looks amazing!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  2. Tamzin Swann
    June 5, 2016 / 3:41 pm

    Sooo much envy for your holiday! Tenerife is one of my fave islands. Your hair looks lovely! Looks like you had a good May, really like the idea of this post! x

    Tamz |

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