Exploring Cambridge

Cambridge had the pleasure in being graced by the presence of us Essex girls this week! In need of a good catch-up and day out, we arrived in the morning for a day full of exploring and indulging. After arriving at 10am, we headed into CrepeAffair for crepes and smoothies – delicious! We headed towards the bank to explore and booked a punting trip with a tour guide. The tour lasted an hour and we were shown beautiful buildings and architecture – including the amazing Cambridge University. You can check out a cheeky sing song video from our tour guide and photos from the boat trip here ðŸ˜‰ After exploring the town and local shops some more, we ventured into a local pub called The Punter. Good food + gossip + hot weather = perfect combination. After another stroll around the town, we visited Patisserie Valerie, having passed it a few times on our walks, and boy were we glad we visited! The freshly baked goods were on display for all to see and it was super hard to decided which to choose. I opted for the carrot cake, packed with nuts and seeds and a sweet icing, it tasted like a dream. I can’t wait to visit Cambridge again and explore some more, it’s such a beautiful place! 


  1. Millie Nicole
    April 16, 2014 / 2:14 pm

    I'd love to visit Cambridge, it looks so pretty and them crepe's look amazing!

    Millie x

  2. Linderella
    April 16, 2014 / 9:33 pm

    I've always wanted to visit Cambridge, it looks so beautiful. Those crepes look delicious too!


  3. Aimee
    April 16, 2014 / 10:10 pm

    I'm so hungry now! Great pictures, the punting trip sounds amazing. Glad that you had a great time 🙂 Aimee xx

    The Belle Narrative

  4. April 17, 2014 / 8:42 am

    Wow, Cambridge looks like such a wonderful place! Loved your photos. (though now I`m very hungry and in mood for pancakes)

  5. April 17, 2014 / 10:01 pm

    I havent been in Cambridge for a long long time, it is really nice to see it through your pics.
    I am sure you had loads of fun 🙂

  6. April 18, 2014 / 3:56 pm

    Absolutely gorgeous photos! Looks and sounds like such an amazing day!ShannonClothes & Quotes

  7. Lucy Goodman
    April 18, 2014 / 7:14 pm

    Hey I live in Cambridge – pleased you liked it so much your photos do it justice 🙂

    If you fancy winning some L'oreal eye cream check out my blog http://www.lulabelloves.com xx

  8. Katie Reynolds
    April 19, 2014 / 4:08 pm

    I love Cambridge, It's good I don't live far, I go there way to often. Great photos xx


  9. DearStephiiie
    April 20, 2014 / 3:59 am

    Lovely post! Love your nails and all the pretty photos 🙂

    Stephy| DearStephiiie

  10. April 27, 2014 / 7:29 pm

    I absolutely adore Oxford but haven't made it to Cambridge yet. It looks beautiful and sounds like you had a great time.

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